Polycom publie ses résultats du quatrième trimestre de 2007
Publié le 29/01/2008 Dans Press Releases
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Bruxelles, le 29 janvier 2008 - Polycom a publié les résultats financiers du quatrième trimestre de 2007 ainsi que ceux de l'année fiscale qui s'est achevée le 31 décembre 2007. Le chiffre d'affaires net s'élève à 263,3 millions USD pour le quatrième trimestre de 2007, contre 186,5 millions USD pour le même trimestre en 2006. SpectraLink a contribué au chiffre d'affaires du quatrième trimestre de 2007 à hauteur de 37,2 millions USD. La reprise de SpectraLink par Polycom s'est achevée le 26 mars 2007. Le bénéfice net du quatrième trimestre de 2007 s'élève à 38,5 millions USD (non-GAAP).

Le chiffre d'affaires net de l'année comptable 2007 complète s'élève à 929,9 millions USD (contre 682,5 millions USD en 2006). SpectraLink a contribué à ce résultat annuel à hauteur de 113,5 millions USD. Pour toute l'année 2007, Polycom a réalisé un bénéfice net de 128,9 millions USD (non-GAAP).

Vous trouverez ci-dessous le communiqué de presse anglais complet.


Revenue Growth of 41 Percent Year-over-Year;
Revenue Growth of 21 Percent Year-over-Year Excluding SpectraLink;
Record Operating Cash Flow of $55.8 Million

PLEASANTON, Calif. - Jan. 23, 2008 - Polycom, Inc. (NASDAQ: PLCM), the world's leading provider of unified collaborative communications solutions, today reported its earnings for the fourth quarter and fiscal year ended Dec. 31, 2007.

Fourth quarter 2007 consolidated net revenues were $263.3 million, compared to $186.5 million for the fourth quarter of 2006. SpectraLink contributed $37.2 million to net revenues for the fourth quarter of 2007. As previously reported, Polycom's acquisition of SpectraLink was completed on March 26, 2007. Non-GAAP net income in the fourth quarter of 2007 was $38.5 million, or 42 cents per diluted share. This compares to Non-GAAP net income of $32.0 million, or 35 cents per diluted share, for the fourth quarter of 2006. GAAP net income for the fourth quarter of 2007 was $22.8 million, or 25 cents per diluted share, compared to $25.8 million, or 28 cents per diluted share, for the same period last year.

For the year ended Dec. 31, 2007, net revenues were $929.9 million, compared to $682.4 million for the year ended Dec. 31, 2006. SpectraLink contributed $113.5 million to net revenues for the year ended Dec. 31, 2007. Non-GAAP net income for the year ended Dec. 31, 2007 was $128.9 million, or $1.37 per diluted share, compared to $98.1 million, or $1.09 per diluted share, for the comparable period of 2006. GAAP net income for the year ended Dec. 31, 2007 was $62.9 million, or 67 cents per diluted share, compared to GAAP net income of $71.9 million, or 80 cents per diluted share, for the same period last year.

The reconciliation between GAAP net income and Non-GAAP net income is provided in the tables entitled "GAAP to Non-GAAP Reconciliation" in this release.

On a product line basis, consolidated net revenues for the fourth quarter of 2007 were comprised of:
* 63 percent video solutions, or $164.9 million (49 percent video communications, or $129.2 million, and 14 percent network systems, or $35.7 million); and
* 37 percent voice communications, or $98.4 million.

This compares to the fourth quarter of 2006, in which consolidated net revenues were comprised of:
* 72 percent video solutions, or $134.1 million (55 percent video communications, or $103.0 million, and 17 percent network systems, or $31.1 million); and
* 28 percent voice communications, or $52.4 million.

"Unprecedented demand for Polycom's IP-based collaboration solution drove us to well over the $1 billion revenue run-rate for the first time in Q4," said Robert Hagerty, chairman and CEO. "Video collaboration has clearly emerged as a top priority due to its immediate cost savings benefits and rapid return on investment. At the same time, Polycom's HD quality, telepresence, and 'plug and play' IP connectivity are delivering an amazing customer experience. Polycom's leading HD video and voice over IP solutions are enabling this growth for our company worldwide."

Hagerty continued, "Our strategic partnerships with Avaya, Nortel, Cisco, and others are adding fuel to our business opportunities. In fact, revenues from our new VoIP relationship with Microsoft that we launched in October and our recent voice launch with 3COM provide yet another engine for revenue growth in 2008. These meaningful partnerships, coupled with strong execution from our sales and service teams, are driving increased traction and expansion on a global basis."

"2008 promises to be an exciting year for Polycom. Our HD video, voice, and content collaboration solutions solve real business problems across a broad range of industries. Adopting our solution yields fast returns and increases a customer's agility and cohesiveness-and facilitates 'greener' corporate policies-yet another critical driver in many geographies. The employees and partners of Polycom are ready to fulfill the growing demand of this market."

"We delivered strong operating results in the fourth quarter, including record revenues of $263.3 million and $55.8 million in operating cash flow," said Michael Kourey, senior vice president, finance and administration, and CFO. "In concert with these operating results, backlog and deferred revenues also grew to record levels. During the fourth quarter, we purchased $50 million in Polycom stock, exiting the quarter with a remaining $140 million authorization under the current share repurchase program."


Polycom, Inc. est un leader mondial en matière de solutions collaboratives. Les produits de cette entreprise maximisent l'efficacité et la productivité des employés et des entreprises en intégrant les solutions vidéo, voix, données et web. Polycom est l'expérience de communication ultime. Les produits de qualité basés sur standards de Polycom sont simples à installer et à gérer, et d'une utilisation intuitive. Ils sont soutenus par une architecture ouverte et s'intègrent parfaitement avec la plupart des réseaux basés sur la téléphonie et la présence. Polycom se distingue de ses concurrents par ses technologies novatrices, ses produits uniques, ses collaborations et son service de haute qualité. C'est pour ces raisons que Polycom est le meilleur choix pour les entreprises à la recherche de solutions éprouvée et d'un avantage compétitif en matière de communication et de collaboration en temps réel. Pour avoir de plus amples informations : www.polycom.com

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