Are you getting too much junk email from your web site? Provide your email addresses to legitimate visitors of your web site without ending up on more junk email lists. Do it - fast and easy - with EScrambler. The entire program and all the documentation is on one web page. It doesnot get much easier than this. Your spam problem comes from spam crawler robots. They crawl your web site for only one purpose -- to add your email addresses their spam lists. EScrambler makes your email addresses invisible to spam crawlers. EScrambler hides your email addresses in plain sight. Visitors to your web pages can read and click on your email addresses the same way they do now. Human visitors to your site are NOT causing your spam problem. EScrambler is search engine friendly. EScrambler does not stop search engine robots from indexing your site. It only hides your email addresses from robots. EScrambler works with three styles of email links. A link from an email address itself, for example: address@domain.com. A link from some other text, for example: Email us. A link from an image, for example, an jpeg of an envelope. Escrambler is Forever Free Software licensed under the GNU General Public License of the Free Foftware Foundation. Thank you for your support of Inner Peace. Inner Peace is not primarily a webmaster programming site. However, in the course of doing our web site, we have discovered few things that other webmasters may find helpful, many of which are not elsewhere available. This is one of them.