With FLV to AVI Converter you can achieve the desired results in just a couple of clicks! This tool will help you easily convert FLV to AVI, FLV videos to image series (series of JPG, BMP or GIF) or to animated GIF, FLV to EXE and even more. You can create custom screensaver from your original FLV file and add your homepage URL and your contact information to it. When converting FLV to EXE, you can choose from two output options: Standard Projector or Advanced Projector EXE. If you choose the first option you can set such parameters as file description, copyright notice, and file version. If you want to make additional customizations, such as applying multiple startup settings, application captions, expiry time, etc., you might want to opt for Advanced Projector EXE. The conversion process will be easy as a piece of cake.