Altova StyleVision 2011 Standard Edition is a drag-and-drop, visual XML- to-HTML stylesheet designer for graphically designing templates that render eye-catching HTML output from XML content - you can even generate a fully functional ASPX Web application. StyleVision is fully standards-compliant and supports XSLT 1.0, XSLT 2.0, CSS, and JavaScript for building advanced Web pages. It has a built-in HTML importer that automatically converts an HTML page into an XML file, XSLT stylesheet, and XML Schema to separate presentation from content and allow Web designers to migrate to XML easily and efficiently. StyleVision simplifies the creation of advanced XSLT stylesheets with its automated approach to stylesheet design. The visual design interface offers two different paradigms for designing presentation output: in a document-flow or layout-based model. You can even upload a blueprint image to use as a guide for your design template. HTML output or XSLT code can be viewed at any time, so you always know how your project is coming along. Stylesheets designed using StyleVision Standard Edition can be based on XML Schemas, DTDs, or even existing XSLT files, and support complex tables, HTML/CALS tables, tables of contents, conditional formatting, direct template filtering, and much more. In addition, StyleVision designs are modular to facilitate reuse and collaboration between multiple designers. All these features combine to make Altova StyleVision the ultimate visual stylesheet designer for Web development. Design with style! Download a free trial of Altova StyleVision 2011 Standard Edition at www.altova.com today.