Universal database conversion program is most appropriate and cost effective solution to convert or transfer entire or selected database records including tables, rows, columns, structure, views, fields, primary, unique key constraints, fields from MS Access database to MySQL server. Freeware database conversion utility can save the converted database records at any user specified location and facilitate to merge or overwrite the converted DB files with existing MySQL server format. Password protected Microsoft Access database MDB files converter utility supports both mixed mode and windows authentication mode. Freeware MS Access to MySQL database synchronization software supports Unicode architecture and maintains the database integrity during the conversion process. MS Access to MySQL conversion utility offers step by step graphical interface wizard that allows you to convert MS Access database into MySQL database. MDB file migration program has the ability to convert structure, stored procedure, index with all necessary attributes, foreign keys, null, default values, functions and packages from MS Access database to MySQL server without affecting the originality and accuracy. Features: * Has attractive GUI facility that helps users to convert database records of MS Access format into MySQL server without any technical knowledge. * Successfully runs on all versions of windows operating system including 98, 2000, 2003, XP, ME, NT, Vista etc. * Transforms complete or selected database records including tables, views, structure, fields, data types, null and default values from MS Access to MySQL. * Supports windows authentication and mixed mode configured settings. * Save converted MS Access DB records at any user specified location. * Overwrite or merge the converted MDB files with existing MySQL server.