Qinvoicing is a complete software that integrates all your osCommerce on-line shops. It allows you to automatically fill up your osCommerce on-line shop as well as download all data you have in your osCommerce. Qinvoincing includes all invoicing software features: quotes, orders, parking slips, slip docs, invoices, receipts, collections, manufacturers, suppliers, supplier orders, purchases, costs, due dates, taxes, sales reps, sales rep payments, commission schedules, categories, products, services, warehouses, inventory, rates, discounts, customers, prospects, promotions, e-mailing, etc. This software allows you to obtain all data, statistics, sale graphics, product information and all information you need in a standard format file that can be edited with Word or Excel. Data can be also automatically mailed using the PDF output option. You can personalize your documents: invoices, packing slips, orders, quotes, purchase orders, receipts, slip labels, barcode labels, etc. Qinvoicing includes an easy document designer that allows you to create and design new documents with just a few mouse clicks. Qinvoicing includes special and automatic invoicing processes: invoicing by packing slips that generates the invoices with the packing slips of a period, invoicing by templates that generates invoices based in a template for a different customers and invoicing by regular payments that generates invoices of maintenance services, subscription quotes, etc. One of the most important features is the complete, automatic and transparent osCommerce integration. Using completely automatic procedures, Qinvoicing fills up and downloads all data of your osCommerce on-line shop. This includes all data information about products to sell and also all data related to customers and purchase orders. The integration between the Qinvoicing data base and the osCommerce data base is complete and automatic avoiding the problems of having and maintaining two different data bases.