File Downloader is a unique mass download solution for your sites. It enables end-users to download multiple files from your site with just few clicks. Let's see how it works by an example. Assume that you have online file gallery, and this gallery allows a user to mark files as favorite. The user may want to download all files from favorites. This is where File Downloader aids. You put it to your HTML page. It looks like a common button. When the user clicks this button, File Downloader gets a list of files to download from your application. The user selects a folder on their computer where to save files. After that the download begins and the user sees a progress bar. If necessary they can skip certain files. When download completes the user can see the log and therefore they become aware if anything went wrong. File Downloader has a range of features that can be appreciated at its true worth by creators of online file storage systems Features: * Easy navigation through the folders on your computer. Several view modes: thumbnails (for JPEG, TIFF, etc), details, list, and icons; * Resume interrupted downloads * Possibility to retain source folder structure on the target client; * Memory-friendly even for huge number of downloaded files; * Auto-recovery upon connection failure; * Download progress indicator (both for current file and entire download); * 100% Unicode support; * Easy localization; * Ability to manage the control through JavaScript; * Drag-n-drop support. * Resolution of file name conflicts using the specified behavior (rename, overwrite or skip files) or displaying a selection dialog to the user. * Possibility to skip files during download. * User can verify the download file list. * Downloads are logged for further error tracking. Can be licensed either for single site (one domain) or all sites on one server.