Recovery Toolbox for RAR is the fastest way to decompress corrupted rar archives, it may be needed if you often work with compressed files of WinRar format. Do not worry, if you cannot decompress rar files owing to Internet connection issues, file system errors or other problems, this way of recover data from corrupt rar files is really efficient to recover rar file on any PC. Get Recovery Toolbox for RAR if you are curious to know how to recover a rar file, how to recover rar files and how to recover corrupted rar files, it works like any other file compression program and you should not have any difficulties with regard to recover corrupted rar files. Thanks to the absence of additional settings, you may initiate the process of recovering rar within several minutes. The utility of rar recover file is free to try, you may get demo version of Recovery Toolbox for RAR from our website and evaluate it on your PC, there are no limitations in time. Besides the testing of recover .rar program interface, you may check the state of any rar archive, not accessible by other file compression programs. The color legend, used by Recovery Toolbox for RAR, is easy to understand, you may check the state of corrupted rar archive by looking through the data, provided by this rar corrupted recovery tool. The rar file corrupted recovery tool never modifies compressed files during the parsing of affected documents, feel free trying any other file decompression utility and make sure Recovery Toolbox for RAR is more efficient.