Document as much information as you need concerning each prospect and their family. Print out an informational data sheet for each prospect to use a reference and to maintain information. Print schedules for any date range. 3. Record the results of each visit to use as a reference for the next visit. Maintain information for each ministry member, and track attendance. Unlimited number of prospects. Track important dates for each prospect. Assign prospect to a team for next visit. Maintain results of each visit. Schedule date for the next visit. Use Map Quest to print maps for each prospect to be visited. Maintain contact and other important information for each ministry member. For example which Sunday School class each member attends, what Faith discipleship classes each has completed and their level of experience. Unlimited number of ministry members. Track each member's attendance. Organize teams using the Team Builder Wizard. Print mailing labels for prospects and members. Email one or more prospects concerning upcoming church events they might be interested in attending. When emailing to more than one prospect each is individually addressed. This means their privacy will be maintained. Build your Sunday School Faith teams using our Team Builder Wizard. Click on a ministry members name to either assign to a team or remove from a team. Use the calendar view to assign all scheduled prospects to a team before printing the data sheets. Network enabled!