Space tripper is a truly modern arcade shoot-em-up, combining the manic gameplay of classics such as defender, with a stunning state of the art 3D engine. Everything you would expect is here : Loads of ememies, big bosses, power-ups and a sore trigger finger!! The gamplay is simple : Fly you spacecraft over enemy platforms, blasting everything in your path. Once each level has been cleared of all enemies, then you can progress to the next stage. Simple? ....then try it and see! Be warned. This is one seriously tough shoot-em-up. This Demo contains the first 3 stages from the full version. The full version has 14 stages and costs $14.95 min specs : Pentium 3 400 + 64MB ram Fast Open GL accelerated video card Standard sound card Joypad Windows 98/2000 Direct X 7 or later