Spherical Panorama 3/2-Fisheye Stitcher, intended for creation of spherical panoramas. Tiff and Jpeg Fisheye Input format. Jpeg and BMP output spherical panorama format. Create Logo, spherical panorama converter (MakeLogo). Internal 360 spherical panorama viewer. Automatic and manual image correction. Universal support of standard and custom users equipments (any of rotators and tripods). Features: -Automatically modes of work. -Fine tuning for current equipments. -Manual mode of work. -Manual correction of seam imposition. -Internal spherical panorama viewer. -Regulation of level of the seam. -RGB correction. -Gaussian and Sharpen correction of seam. -Utility for create spherical panorama logotype. -Possibilities to use the Stitcher with any custom or standard equipment. -Regulation of compress level for output Jpeg panoramas Input fisheye format Tiff (uncompressed), Jpeg (compressed). Output format - Bmp (uncompressed), Jpeg (compressed). -Original PRect © Technology of stitching several fisheye shots in one panoramic image. -SP_ST has been designed to be user-friendly.