Bavardages » Inégalité homme/femme
Inégalité homme/femme
Publié le 10/08/2004 @ 15:48:30,
Par zion,,2-2004370327,00.html

WOMEN really do have reason to moan about their sex lives — because blokes get SIX times as much pleasure.

Women’s orgasms fill an average of just 1.4 hours in their lives, compared to men’s 9.3 hours, research shows.

And German doc Rolf Degen says girls’ shortcomings are because nature intended sex to be more fun for men.

He said: “An average male orgasm lasts 12.6 seconds. Many women fail to orgasm at all. But when they do, it wavers between a mere seven seconds and, for a lucky few, 107 seconds.”

Rolf added: “Female orgasm is completely unnecessary, it serves no purpose. Men need to orgasm to ejaculate but women do not to become pregnant.”

Rolf, 51, says the best way to get in the mood for a climax is listening to jazz.

And with or without an orgasm nookie is good for both sexes — reducing the risk of breast and prostate cancer.

il faut combattre le cancer :kiki:
Je suis le Roy :ocube:
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