Stunnix Perl Web Server is designed for putting any Perl/PHP/MySQL/SQLite-based website on CDROM, that once put to tray will run off CDROM (including webserver itself, MySQL and PHP/Perl interpreters) and will open a browser with site in it on Windows, MacOS X and Linux from that single CDROM, without requiring installation of any software to user's computer. It also allows to make any website into usual desktop applications with installer. This allows to greatly reduce costs of development of desktop applications or of CDROMs with presentations and catalogues - since development using web technologies is much cheaper and allows to deliver the products to users of all major desktop operating systems. Stunnix Perl Web Server uses a lot of advanced technologies to make websites run under it to feel responsive like usual desktop applications do. Stunnix Perl Web Server also aims to be as configurable as Apache web server is. This also allows to run web sites under Stunnix Perl Web Server typically without any modifications. The database files, versions of Perl and PHP interpreters and of MySQL server, included for all major desktop operating systems, will run off CDROM, without even hidden installation to the user's computer. Any CGI scripts are also supported. Mod-perl like framework is also available. All HTTP standards are supported, including GET, POST, If-Modified-Since, PATH_INFO. Server-Side Includes are also supported. Stunnix Perl Web Server is implemented in pure Perl language. If your site uses only Perl scripts, then your CDROM or application will run perfectly on any Unix where Perl is already installed too. Stunnix Perl Web Server is used internally for GUI to other Stunnix products - for Stunnix Perl-Obfus, Stunnix JavaScript Obfuscator/Encoder, Stunnix VBScript And ASP Obfuscator/Encoder, Stunnix C/C++ Obfuscator/Mangler.