chuPPo Recorder is a powerful audio/video web recorder application. You can empower your site with advanced video recorder that will let your members record their video with their webcams for public or private view. This solution is really easy to deploy and use. We integrate and install it free as a limited time offer. You only pay monthly fee for using software and hosting your media on our servers. Fascinating tool to drive, life, and freshness to your community - you will never want to remove it once you try. chuPPo is a company specializing on development of Adobe Flash applications as value-add services for community sites and corporate interaction use. We believe that the future of the Web is becoming more personal and interactive. This would be impossible without rich media interplay tools. chuPPo successfully applies Adobe Flash technology to build insightful applications and online user interaction via webcams. Technologies chuPPo applications like webcam chat, wecam messenger, webcam recorder are easy to use and interact, thanks to our hard work and Adobe Flash technology. All chuPPo applications have centralized codebase. It makes it easy and fast to discover bugs, provide updates and implement new features for all our customers at one shot. That is a huge advantage over standard `boxed` software distribution model. Future Having adopted software-as-a-service business model we understand that maintaining high standards is the only way to succeed. Every month we prove our customers that chuPPo applications provide value worth paying. This is also the reason why we never stop our R&D. We plan to add new interesting and useful applications for community sites soon. Watch out for news.