Direct Stream Recorder is a handy and powerful tool for capturing all kinds of video and audio streams and then turning them into a standard .avi files so that they can be opened in any media player or edited with any video or audio editor. Direct Stream Recorder has a diverse applicability. You can record live streams like Windows Media, Real Media, and QuickTime, save the broadcast of a favorite internet radio station, web cam shows in internet browsers and save media, which is encoded or has an unknown format. Direct Stream Recorder is also capable of recording password protected streams. This feature will benefit anyone who suffers from the imposed protection policy. The program also comes in handy when you want to record your conversation in Skype or a video chat in any instant messenger like MSN or Yahoo. You can also use Direct Stream Recorder to create video guides explaining users how to perform various operations and adjustments with some software. Direct Stream Recorder can save the content of your audio CDs. You just need to select the CD-line as a source and define the format for the saved file, then enjoy your favorite music while Direct Stream Recorder is saving it to the disk. The software offers you many options to adjust. You can set the size of a captured area, select the exact number of frames per second, set whether the saved .avi file will have the sound layer or not, choose audio and video codecs from the list, setup the input line and select the directory where the file will be saved. Direct Stream Recorder allows you to record anything that you can see on your display and hear in audio output.