From: Date: Thu, 11 Mar 2010 17:22:48 +0000
Subject: PHP 6
Groups: php.internals 
Ah, Jani went a little crazy today in his typical style to force a
decision.  The real decision is not whether to have a version 5.4 or
not, it is all about solving the Unicode problem.  The current effort
has obviously stalled.  We need to figure out how to get development
back on track in a way that people can get on board.  We knew the
Unicode effort was hugely ambitious the way we approached it.  There are
other ways.

So I think Lukas and others are right, let's move the PHP 6 trunk to a
branch since we are still going to need a bunch of code from it and move
development to trunk and start exploring lighter and more approachable
ways to attack Unicode.  We have a few already.  Enhanced mbstring and
ext/intl.  Let's see some good ideas around that and work on those in
trunk.  Other features necessarily need to play along with these in the
same branch.  I refuse to go down the path of a 5.4 branch and a
separate Unicode branch again.

The main focus here needs to be to get everyone working in the same branch.


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