Sujet: Where is Jesus?
29/03/2005 @ 18:57:40: zion: Where is Jesus?

29/03/2005 @ 19:42:00: Sam: Where is Jesus?
Holy bejeezus, you have found Jesus 11 times! You are finally saved!


29/03/2005 @ 19:48:17: zion: Where is Jesus?
Déjà? :totoz:
29/03/2005 @ 20:08:45: Keeper: Where is Jesus?
Holy bejeezus, you have found Jesus 11 times! You are finally saved!
29/03/2005 @ 20:59:01: zion: Where is Jesus?
Holy bejeezus, you have found Jesus 11 times! You are finally saved!

que la paix soit avec toi mon fils :oh:
29/03/2005 @ 23:00:43: dede: Where is Jesus?
Ouf, moi aussi je suis sauvé !
29/03/2005 @ 23:09:43: zion: Where is Jesus?
Ouf, moi aussi je suis sauvé !

la bière est une boisson bénite, elle t'a aidé :oh: