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MMh très exactement ce que j'ai fait (un mkinitrd en plus, on ne sait jamais, mais en général je mets tout ce que je peux/veux "en dur" aussi..)

Je me choppe:
request_module: runaway loop modprobe binfmt-464c

Ce qui est communément documenté comme:

Short answer: If you are getting this error right after linux kernel initialization, you are likely booting a 32-bit kernel with a 64-bit OS.

Long answer: If you boot a 32-bit kernel with a 64-bit OS, when the kernel tries to start /sbin/init (a 64-bit binary), it won't recognize the binary format, and it'll try to load the binfmt-464c kernel module, which is ELF support. (ELF support is generally compiled into the kernel, not built as a module, by the way.)

The reason for the loop error is that the kernel is trying to invoke modprobe to load the module, and modprobe is itself an ELF binary, resulting in a recursion loop...

Et non pas un module manquant, comme le message pourrait le laisser supposer.

Y a donc encore une incompatibilité entre i32/i64 dans mon bazard...

Allez soyons fou et testons:

[*] Kernel support for ELF binaries
[ ] Write ELF core dumps with partial segments
<*> Kernel support for MISC binaries
[*] IA32 Emulation
<*> IA32 a.out support - © 2002-2024 AkretioSPRL  - Generated via Kelare
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