Bon apparement j'ai un worm/virus qui se cache qq part. J'avais envoyé un mail sur une mailing list (ils vont être content les gars...) et j'ai recu un reply:
A virus or an infected file has been detected in a message:
Date: Mon, 13 May 2002 13:06:25 +0200
Reply-To: ****mon adresse****
From: ****mon adresse****
Subject: Summary: Web vs Desktop and Interaction Patterns
Messages containing infected attachments will no longer
be forwarded.
If you wish to send emails with attachment, we strongly recommend that you enclose your attachment in formats like .ZIP.
This is the size of the email in question:
-rw------- 1 root mail 4510 May 13 15:53 msg.vmd
These filenames were found in the message:
If you want this mail anyway, please click here: mailto:CHI-WEB@ACM.ORG?Subject=send202002-05-13/msg.vmd
Should that fail, click here in stead:
You are our customer, therefore we did this effort to protect you from viruses. If you do not want the antivirus scanning for your emails, please click here:
otherwise no action is required on your part. A copy of this message has been delivered to the sender.
Please update your virus detection software and clean
your system before attempting to resend this message.
If you are one of our customers, we suggest that you
use our WebMail system at:
AntiVirus System
Bon ma question: puisque j'ai pas d'anti-virus (oooops :shakinghead: ), qu'est-ce que vous me conseillez? De préfèrences qqchôse dont y a des "wallpaper" qui circule et avec une option de update gratos. Merci
ps: j suis sous xp