Ok, j'ai compris l'arbitre était jamaiquain
I was gonna become a referee but then I got high
Still I was selected by the FIFA although I was high
I'm gonna judge the match Belgium Brasil
- although I'm high [repeat 3X]
I was gonna have my eyes checked but then I got high
I am as blind as a mole and I am high
My eye are still fucked up and I know why
- cause I got high [repeat 3X]
I wasn't gonna blow my whistle but I was high
Wilmots didn't make a foul but I was high
now I'm discriminating against the Red Devils and I know why
- cause I'm high [repeat 3X]
I was favoring Brasil cause I was high
I just got a very nice bribe and I got high
they doubled my paycheck and I know why
- to get high [repeat 3X]
I messed up the entire match because I was high
The Red Devils lost the game because I was high
now I'm hated by the Belgian's and I know why
- cause I was high [repeat 3X]