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DISCLAIMER: Ce que je raconte dans ce texte est évidement une vaste blague (je dis ça parce que j'ai pas envie qu'un policier qui passe par ici croit que je vais vraiment attaquer une banque ... Et je n'ai jamais voler de laptop ...)

Dear Tory,

I have well understood the terms of the agreement. As I told you in my previous email, I have no phone but I was able to get my hand on a fax number. The number of the fax number is: +32 XX XXX XXX.

The problem for me is I do not have any penny for the moment (I had to stole a laptop computer and I'm currently using an unprotected wireless connection to access the internet).

Anyway, what I can propose you is to advance de 90 pounds and in return, I sign you a debt letter whoes amount is 20% of the sum I should get after the completion of this case.

As I'm currently organizing a bank attack here in belgium, perhaps I will be able to pay the 90 pounds. We will see that in a few days. Hope this will work as planned. Please keep this in confidence!

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