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Bon, apparement, il ne lise même pas ce que j'écris ... je leur dis que j'ai pas de phone et il me le demande ...

Soit, on va trouver une combine :grin:

Au moins, maintenant je sais que ça va me couter £90 ...

Pour l'occasion, j'ai presqu'envie de m'arranger avec mon banquier pour faire un virement de £90 et de bloquer le compte, un peu comme les arnaqueurs sur e-bay font ...

Je vais leur proposer d'avancer les £90 et je leur promet en retour la moitié de la somme dont j'ai hérité :grin:

Dear Frédéric Rouyre,

Now, in clear terms we are going to be dealing with you in strict partnership terms. That means we will have to assign roles to both parties (you and us). You must be very mindful of the fact that we have waited till this time to have it cleared and because of that we must act swiftly and this should take us about a week to accomplish. Like I explained in my previous email, there are some legal procedures and processes that must be followed before the grant can be applied for. We will handle all the legal processes , filing of papers and payment of the filing fees. You will only be responsible for the grant of letter of Administration. I did explain about the grant of letter of
administration also in my previous email. As a refresher, letter of administration is; "A Grant of representation issued by the High Court to a person to allow him to administer the estate of the deceased who died without a will." This letter of administration will be obtained in a court here in the U.K.

To obtain the grant naturally, you would have had to apply yourself to the Probate Registry. But in this case, we will have to apply on your behalf because of the circumstances of your nomination which only you and us are aware of. For this reason we strongly appeal to your understanding on the need for absolute confidentiality. Moreover in applying by yourself, you will have to be scheduled for an interview with probate.That is only if you do apply directly and by yourself. The purpose of the interview is to confirm from you
certain details concerning the deceased. On our professional advice, we should avoid the interview.

To avoid that, we will have to first go the court to depose to an affidavit of support of claim.This is a document in which I will be asked to sign a form of oath, and to swear or affirm before the court that the information I have given is true to the best of my knowledge.The Affidavit also contains information about the deceased together with the values of the gross and net Estate.With that document and the original of the death certificate of the deceased, we will be able to obtain the application form for you at the probate for the grant.This form will be sent to you to fill and return back for proper submission.

This form asks for details of the deceased and yourself as applicant and the bank account where the estate is to be transfered to in the case of cash asset. In all cases of obtaining a grant, a fee has to be paid. The amount of the fee is basic and is £90. The grant will not be issued until the fee is paid. Nevertheless, we therefore
require to put up an application on your behalf on as your Attorney attached to the application form and the original death certificate of the deceased. The grant will be issued after this and the confirmation of the receipt of the fee and the papers. Thereafter, the grant will be taken to the bank for the inheritance to be changed to your name. After this is done you can now instruct the bank on how you will want the funds to disbursed.

Please note that the grant or grant of letter of Administration is referring to the same thing. Let me know if this is also clear or if you have any questions that needs to be answered before proceeding to the next level in this business.

Having said that, I will like to remind you of the importance of this transaction and for your information, there is a great difference between your country and England. It is possible for you think it came to you so easily but it took us so much to bring this transaction this close to successful compeltion. I sincerely hope that we can work together to achieve the desired objective. Do please provide your current telephone and fax numbers and a forwarding address to enable us file necessary documents at our High court probate division for the release of this sum of money.

I will inform you of the next line of action when I hear from you.


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