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J'ai eu une réponse :grin:

J'avais bien fait attention de laisser mon vrai prénom, et hop, du coup, il me donne le nom du gars qui est mort. Comme par hasard, il porte le même nom que moi ...

Bon, je vais torcher la réponse :grin:

Dear XXXXXXXX Rouyre,

Thank you for your email. We have contacted you by email considering the circumstances of your nomination. This is a legitimate transaction of the case of our late client Mr.Alan G. Rouyre. We have contacted you in the hope that we can build up a firm relationship upon
which this transaction can be executed. We are giving you a rare opportunity to the end that we will receive mutual benefits concerning the inheritance. We have contacted you based on your last name search. It was our yardstick for nominating you to becoming the beneficiary of the inheritance.

As you may already know, the case of our client is an unusual one as his death was abrupt and without a will covering this sum mentioned to you. This leaves us no choice but to appoint you as a beneficiary. As the Residuary beneficiary, we have the responsibility to sort out the administrative details on his death. We have the authority to decide what happens to this sum
as it will be administered in accordance with strict rules and regulations known as "Rules of Intestacy" as will be explained as we go on. Truly, the most important guiding principle of the Inheritance law is its emphasis on the wishes and the intent of the individual that has died. However, we cannot claim the inheritance because we are not only his lawyer but also by the same
laws we are prohibited to do so. So we needed a beneficiary to be nominated outside the United Kingdom otherwise these funds become that of the crown.

Therefore we decided to nominate you as the beneficiary to the inheritance. Now we are happy to do that with you if and only if we are satisfied with your anticipated co-operation. We will deal with you in dual capacities. We will be acting as partners with you in achieving this goal and we will be acting also as your Attorney before the probate. In all of these, the most important thing is for you to be able to obtain the grant of letter of Administration from the
Probate. This is an official document, issued by the court, which allows you (as administrator) to administer the estate. A Grant of Letter of Administration is obtained by person(s) entitled
according to the rules of the court when the deceased dies without leaving a Will or "intestate" The situation where a person dies without making a will fully disposing the assets. The administration of "intestate" estate is governed by the Administration of Estates Act 1925. The Administration of Estates Act 1925 set s out for who can act as an administrator - that is, who has the legal right to deal with the affairs of the person who has died. This is your role
or responsibility and this is a major issue in concluding the transaction. As soon as the document is obtained, we are done. So having only being appointed, you must necessarily be required to obtain the grant of letter of Administration before you can act in that
capacity. This document is what must be presented to the bank before the inheritance can be changed to your name.

Finally, I hope you understand the details. We really cannot begin until we are sure you have a perfect understanding of this transaction.

Waiting for your prompt response and I will call you on receipt of your response.

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